5 minute read

A long-desired feature has just landed in coBib v5.1.0: the ability to fuzzy-find entries in the database! In this post I will briefly showcase this functionality and how it can make your life easier.


For the list and search commands you now have three new command-line arguments:

cobib search --decode-latex "naïve"    # will still find `na{\"\i}ve`
cobib search --decode-unicode "naive"  # will still find `naïve`
cobib search --fuzziness 1 "naive"     # also finds `naïve`

For the list command, these argument affect the filter mechanism. You can set your own default values via the respective settings in your configuration file.

What is fuzzy finding?

Fuzzy finding refers to approximate string matching1 which allows you to relate two strings to each other if they are approximately equal. What exactly this approximation entails can differ; but in general there are three primitive kinds of errors:

  • insertions: cot -> cost
  • deletions: coat -> cot
  • substitutions: coat -> cost

The more errors you allow, the more approximate (or “fuzzy”) your comparison becomes.

How can you use this in coBib?

coBib v5.1.0 has added support for approximate string comparisons for two use cases:

  • when using filters to limit the output of the list command
  • when searching your database with the search command

In both of these cases, coBib relies on the functionality provided by the regex2 package. This is a new optional dependency of coBib, so be sure to install it if you want to use this functionality.

Since the regex package is a drop-in replacement for Python’s builtin re3 module, and coBib already supported standard regex patterns for both of these use cases, the extension to support fuzzy matching was almost straight forward.

In the following, we will explore the new ways for fuzzy finding entries in your database, using the following entry as our example:

 archivePrefix = {arXiv},
 arxivid = {2404.18737v1},
 author = {Battaglia, Stefano and Rossmannek, Max and Rybkin, Vladimir V. and Tavernelli, Ivano and Hutter, J{\"u}rg},
 eprint = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.18737v1},
 primaryClass = {physics.chem-ph},
 title = {A general framework for active space embedding methods: applications in quantum computing},
 year = {2024}

Using regex patterns directly

You have full control over the regex patterns that are used for filter matching and/or searching. As such, you can use all of the additional features provided by the regex package.

In the following, we will review how to write custom patterns to allow for the different kinds of errors listed above.

Insertion errors

We can allow a number of characters to be inserted into our query string by writing a regex pattern of the form: (Rossmanek){i<2}. This will match all occurrences of Rossmanek with up to one additional arbitrary characters inserted into it, e.g. Rossmannek.

Let’s try it out:

cobib list ++author "(Rossmanek){i<2}"

And indeed, the query was able to find our entry above:

┃ label          ┃ title                         ┃ author                        ┃
│ Battaglia2024  │ A general framework for       │ Battaglia, Stefano and        │
│                │ active space embedding        │ Rossmannek, Max and Rybkin,   │
│                │ methods: applications in      │ Vladimir V. and Tavernelli,   │
│                │ quantum computing             │ Ivano and Hutter, J{\"u}rg    │

Deletion errors

Deletions work just like insertions above, but using d instead of i:

cobib list ++author "(Rossmanneck){d<2}"

(This matches the entry just like in the previous example.)

Substitution errors

The third kind of error are substitutions which are equivalent to the insertion and removal of a character at the same location. You can specify their number using s:

cobib list ++author "(Maz){s<2}"

(This matches the entry just like in the previous example.)

Allowing multiple errors types

You can even combine these errors types. Below we allow an insertion and deletion to occur:

cobib list ++author "(Rossmaneck){i<2,d<2}"

(And again, this matches the entry just like in the previous example.)

Generic errors

Finally, you can allow any type of error (i.e. without specifying its type) using e:

cobib list ++author "(Rossmaneck){e<3}"

The --fuzziness command-line option (or -z for short)

Since writing these regex patterns can be a bit cumbersome, the --fuzziness argument makes enabling fuzzy finding a lot easier. It is best explained using an example:

cobib list --fuzziness 3 ++author "Rossmaneck"

This command is equivalent to the previous example. Here is what happens under the hood:

  1. the provided string gets wrapped in parentheses: Rossmaneck -> (Rossmaneck)
  2. the provided value of fuzziness gets used as the allowed number of arbitrary errors: {e<3}
  3. the two parts get concatenated to form the final query: (Rossmaneck){e<3}

You can also use -z as a short-hand instead of typing out --fuzziness every time.

Setting a default --fuzziness value

If you want to enable approximate string matching by default, you can do so by including the following in your configuration file:

from cobib.config import config

config.commands.list_.fuzziness = 3

And although we only used the list command in our examples above, the search command provides the same features:

config.commands.search.fuzziness = 3

Finally, you can always overwrite this default value with the command-line option. For example, --fuzziness 0 will disable fuzzy finding.

Dealing with LaTeX sequences

Accounting for typos by fuzzy matching is nice, but it would require a large threshold of --fuzziness to be able to deal with LaTeX sequences such as the one found in our example: J{\"u}rg.

Instead, coBib v5.1.0 added another way to deal with LaTeX sequences: the --decode-latex command-line option. Setting this will convert LaTeX code to plain text using pylatexenc’s4 encoder.

Note, that this only works approximately and only for sequences which can actually be rendered in plain text using Unicode characters.

This allows you to do the following:

cobib list --decode-latex ++author "Jürg"

which will again match our entry Battaglia2024 shown above.

The same command-line setting is available for the search command (where it even comes with the -l short-hand).

Configuring the default of --decode-latex

Just like for the --fuzziness setting, you can also configure the default value for the --decode-latex option:

config.commands.list_.decode_latex = True
config.commands.search.decode_latex = True

If you enable this setting, you can still overwrite it from the command-line using the --no-decode-latex argument (or -D for the search command).

Dealing with Unicode characters

We can take the concept of special character decoding one step further by also leveraging text-unidecode5 to convert Unicode characters into their approximate ASCII version.

Pairing this with LaTeX decoding allows us to match our entry with an even simpler query:

cobib list --decode-latex --decode-unicode ++author "Jurg"

And, once again, you can do the same within the search command (where it also comes with the -u short-hand).

Configuring the default of --decode-unicode

Of course, you can also configure the defaults for these options:

config.commands.list_.decode_unicode = True
config.commands.search.decode_unicode = True

And you can overwrite the enabled settings using --no-decode-unicode (or -U for the search command).

Fuzzy search highlights

As a final little example, here you can see that even the highlighting of search results works properly for fuzzy matches:

Fuzzy search matches are highlighted properly.