I am a research scientist in the Quantum Computational Science group at IBM Research Zurich. In my current research I am working on the integration of Quantum and HPC systems by developing new algorithms that exceed the capabilities of either one alone.

Starting in 2013 I studied Chemistry and Computational Science & Engineering at ETH Zurich and obtained my Bachelor of Science in the latter in 2018. I concluded my Master studies with a thesis on the “Development of a Hybrid Quantum-Classical Electronic Structure Approach for Quantum Computers” at IBM in 2020 during which I became a Qiskit advocate.

Afterwards I pursued a PhD at IBM Research Zurich and the department of chemistry of the University of Zurich. During these studies I developed various methods for “Quantum-Classical Embedding for Chemistry Applications of Quantum Computing”. In 2024 I completed these studies and obtained my Dr. sc. nat.

Since 2009 I am a passionate Linux user and open-source advocate. Most notably, I am the developer of coBib, a console-based bibliography manager written in Python, a co-maintainer of Neorg, a life organization plugin for Neovim based on Treesitter and Lua, and an active contributor to Taskwarrior, a console-based todo manager written mostly in C++.

When I am not programming you can usually find me outdoors or cooking some delicious meal.